Waves into Patterns


By Dmitry Paranyushkin

A book of texts and drawing with a set of cards to induce ecological variability in everyday life and perception.


89 in stock

About This Book...

This book and the included card game propose to explore the different states of change and their implications in everyday life.

Taking its inspiration from ecology, dynamical systems theory, and physical movement practices, especially EightOS, it proposes to weave together complex science and everyday practice through drawings, schematic language, and movement. The format of a picture book is especially designed to communicate complex ideas in simple terms, as if it were a children’s book but for adults.

The accompanying card game can be used to explore the ideas inside the book in a nonlinear manner, jumping between ideas and concepts, applying them to real challenges and questions from one’s own life.

Read more about the book on the Waves into Patterns practice page.  

Writings, research, and drawings by Dmitry Paranyushkin, 2024

Additional Information

Weight 0.3 kg
Dimensions 20 x 15 x 4 cm