Risking the Self. Philosophy, Tai Chi and Psychedelics
A philosopher’s path towards embodiment through Tai Chi and psychedelics.
This book proposes different forms of embodiment that are not necessarily leading to production of subjectivity or territorialized identities but rather putting the “self” at risk allowing us to be emancipated from the mandatory illusion of self-realization. This can be facilitated by a daily commitment with a set of body altering practices that disjoint us from the ordinary accustomed experience of reality and provide us access to “other” layers of the real. These practices grant access to the primary control centers of the body that regulate frequencies of energy and consciousness in a deeper way and enable the body to unfold in different dimensional spaces of experience: rendering sensible the multi-layered energetic body.
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About This Book...
A philosopher’s path towards embodiment through tai chi and psychedelics.
Experience of the World. A Brain for the Eyes. Theory: a Risky Practice. Theory of the Invisible. The Theoros’ Mission. The Process of Theory: Research and Articulation.
Experience of the Body. Turning the Eyes Inwards. Incubations. The Pythagoreans.
Experience of the Text. Emancipation from Experience. Disembodiment and the Primacy of the Brain. Theory separated from Practice. Philosophy’s Dead End.
Reconciliation of Theory and Practice. From Tai Chi to Tai Chi Chuan. Homeostatic Control of Energy. The Three Minds. Equanimity and Balance. Integrality of the Body: Relaxation, Alignment, Coordination, Intent.
The Invisible is Inside There. Being Inside There. The Immanence of the Mystery. The Spirit of the Animated Organs. The Internal Power of the Body. Breathing as Tool for the Inward Gaze.
Body Transitioning. The Intrinsic Poetic Powers of the Body: 3 Examples of Researchers. Active and Productive use of the Organs.
Ethical Reflexes. Ethics Rooted in the Body. Fearlessness as Vital Attitude. Embodied Ethics.
Living Accordingly. Embodied Theory. Experience as a Continuum. Embodied Philosophy. Risking the Self.
Psychedelic Qi. The Multilayered Body: Tai Chi and Psilocybin. A Volume of Boiling Molecules. Dancing Out the Mushroom. The Wonder of the Event within the Body. Cooking Mushrooms with Qi.
Learning How to Lose. Giving Oneself Up: Two Ways of Conversing and Listening. The Torpedo Fish: Learning to admit that you do not know. Pushing Hands: The Real Opponent is Yourself.
Text and Layout: Diego Agulló.
Illustrations: in collaboration with David Alonso Bravo
and Kiana Rezvani.
Feedback: Noam Assayag, Kate Pavula, Kiana Rezvani, Mila Pavisevic, Dmitry Paranyushkin, Juan Perno, Jorge Ruiz Abánades, Peter Stamer.
Proofreading: Dmitry Paranyushkin, Noam Assayag and Jorge De Hoyos.
Thanks to Juan Perno, Kiana Rezvani, David Alonso Bravo, Noam Assayag, Dmitry Paranyushkin, Jorge Ruiz Abánades, Angela Moreno, Lola Rubio, Sonia Noya, Lucio Rubio, Sid Noya, Malou Gina Jane Noya, Kuba Borkowicz, Javier Andres Moral, Marcos Gómez Aranguren, Rodolfo Acosta, Santos Peletero, Peachy Fooli, Loolis and Fresitas, Wino, Flito and Trini, Vladimir Sidorov, Notafe Festival and HZT Berlin.