12/03/17 – Circadian Encounters
In the frame of 3AM “Spring Sprouts”, dedicated to the new beginnings, we we will invite the current and future authors of CIRCADIAN to meet the current and future readers and to discuss their ongoing practices and publications. It will be hosted at Flutgraben in the Special Agency Studio, Berlin on the 12th of March. The space will serve as a reading room too where feedback to the authors are welcome.
3 AM is an independent event with a focus on giving value to experimentation and local collaboration. Our frame remains purposefully open to allow for any new forms to emerge; combining performance, science, electronic music and durational installations. We like finished works, but we also like testing things out. We invite different people to collaborate with our core team (Clément Layes, Sandra Man, Dmitry Paranyushkin, Jasna Layes Vinovrski, Nina Kurtela) every time in making the event possible.
Do you want to publish with CIRCADIAN? This is how we work:
1.- All the book must satisfy the following criteria:
- Your book must be concerned with inviting the reader to jump into action and to practice and apply the ideas that the book transmits. This can be done in multiple ways (the writer decides how to solve this challenge). Here some examples: the book includes exercises, instructions, scores, training methods, actions to be performed, daily rituals, games, experiments, etc…
2.- Once the book has been accepted we must agree with the author on the following points:
- What kind of deal do we agree upon: the percentage of the money from selling the book will be distributed in 3 parts: the author´s fee, the Circadian admin costs and funding another book to be printed.
3.- The book is presented during a CIRCADIAN event where ideas of the book can come into realization.